Kewanee National Bank

Illinois – Henry – Kewanee

(N) Commercial bank, federal charter & Fed member


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  [ 1.56 ] – very bad Voters 1   Comments 1


(N) Commercial bank, federal charter & Fed member




FDIC Certificate Number: 17336
FDIC's unique number: 11346
The FDIC Field Office where an institution is physically located: Princeton

Federal Reserve ID Number: 1012336
Report Date: 1993-03-31

Bank Charter Class: N
OCC Charter Number: 14708
The date of the last data update: 1993-04-21

1954-06-12 Institution established. Original name: Kewanee National Bank.
1993-04-01 Merged into and subsequently operated as part of First of America Bank-Illinois, National Association in Peoria, Illinois.
1994-12-31 Merged into and subsequently operated as part of First of America Bank-Illinois, National Association in Bannockburn, Illinois.
1998-10-31 Merged into and subsequently operated as part of National City Bank of Michigan/Illinois in Bannockburn, Illinois.
2004-06-19 Changed name to National City Bank Of The Midwest .
2004-07-30 Acquired Allegiant Bank in Saint Louis, Missouri.
2006-07-22 Merged into and subsequently operated as part of National City Bank in Cleveland, Ohio.
2006-08-19 Acquired Pioneer Bank And Trust Company in Saint Louis, Missouri.
2007-03-17 Acquired Harbor Federal Savings Bank in Fort Pierce, Florida.
2007-04-14 Acquired Fidelity Federal Bank & Trust in West Palm Beach, Florida.
2008-02-09 Acquired Midamerica Bank, Fsb in Clarendon Hills, Illinois.
2008-12-30 Acquired New England Trust Company, National Association in Warwick, Rhode Island.
2009-09-30 Reorganized.
2009-11-06 Merged into and subsequently operated as part of PNC Bank, National Association in Wilmington, Delaware.

Total assets: $28,843,000
Total deposits: $25,007,000
Last updated on: 2011-10-20

No affiliations

No associations


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Kewanee National Bank has received 1 rating(s) and 1 review(s), resulting in an average rating of 1.56 on a scale from 1 to 5. The overall rating for this bank is very bad.

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There is no limit. however the IRS might get a litlte edgy if your topping 100 accounts. Bank anywere you like.You can have as many accounts as you like.

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Profile ID: LFUS-BAB-P-21809

All data on this website is collected from public sources. Our data reflects the most accurate information available at the time of publication.