Labette Bank

Kansas – Labette – Altamont

(NM) Commercial bank, state charter and Fed nonmember


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  [ 5.00 ] – superior Voters 1   Comments 1


(NM) Commercial bank, state charter and Fed nonmember




FDIC Certificate Number: 17068
FDIC's unique number: 11123
The FDIC Field Office where an institution is physically located: Springfield Mo

Federal Reserve ID Number: 483751
Report Date: 2011-06-30

Bank Charter Class: NM

Number of Domestic Offices: 10
Number of Foreign Offices: 0
The date of the last data update: 2008-04-09

1915-01-15 Institution established. Original name: The Labette County State Bank.
1998-01-01 Acquired The American State Bank in Oswego, Kansas.
1999-02-10 Changed trust powers from Trust Powers Not Granted to Limited Trust Powers Granted.
2002-11-12 Changed name to Labette Bank .
2008-04-05 Acquired The Miners State Bank Of Frontenac, Kansas in Frontenac, Kansas.

Total assets: $298,303,000
Total deposits: $259,820,000
Deposits held in domestic offices: $259,820,000
Equity capital: $29,178,000

Net income: $1,375,000

Return on Assets: 0.95
Return on Equity: 9.87
Last updated on: 2011-10-20

Bank Holding Company: Labette County Bankshares, Inc.

No associations


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Labette Bank has received 1 rating(s) and 1 review(s), resulting in an average rating of 5.00 on a scale from 1 to 5. The overall rating for this bank is superior.

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Harry Watson

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Profile ID: LFUS-BAB-P-27037

All data on this website is collected from public sources. Our data reflects the most accurate information available at the time of publication.